Psalm 24:4-5 He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to an idol or swear by what is false. He will receive blessing from the Lord and vindication from God his Savior.
I like how “vindication” and “blessing” are used as synonyms in this passage. We typically think of blessing as a tangible gift or some sort of favor from God. While that can be true, here it is meant more as being treated justly or rightly by God; hence, the reason it is accompanied with vindication.
I think we tend to send out the boo's to God when it seems that our life is nothing but one fumble after another. On the other hand, we offer up enthusiastic clap offerings when we feel like God is scoring us nothing but touchdowns.
What an emotional roller coaster.
I am convinced that God wants us to be consistent despite the inconsistencies that life may bring. I’m not suggesting we be fake, but rather clear concerning the nature of God. There are principles laid out in scripture; however, living out those principles only guarantee vindication. I can at least have peace that God is treating me rightly even when it feels like life is tackling me down. Isn’t it peace that surpasses all understanding?
So, I can live out the following principles knowing that whatever happens, God is in control. I’m not seeking blessings. I’m simply seeking God. He’s enough no matter what. These are some of His principles to live by. I believe that the way He wants me to live is way better than any other way.
Clean hands = someone whose actions are guiltless
Pure heart = one who displays innocent actions with selfless motives
Does not lift his soul to an idol = doesn’t worship empty, false, or hopeless ideologies
Does not swear by what is false = places their hope, identity, trust, and purpose fully in God and nothing else
Lord, vindicate me.
"Many people who order their lives properly in all other areas are kept in poverty by their lack of gratitude." - Wallace D. Wattles
I love the above quote and think there is a lot of truth to it. I think that cultivating a sense of deep gratitude to God even when things may not be ideal will draw us even closer to him. This is when we will experience more, be blessed by more, and receive more from God. It makes consistency easier. Good thoughts, bro.
Thanks for the comment Bryan. I love that quote as well. Your thoughts are right on.
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