I made a commitment a while ago to become a Berean. Acts 17:11 states, Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.
I'm not quite there, but I want that.
I never want to believe something just because it was said by a speaker who fluently comes across with flawless charisma and conviction. I also never want to read something and assume it’s right because it was written by an “influential” conference speaker and author.
My wife often calls me a skeptic and I have to agree with her on that one. I sometimes wonder if skepticism is my spiritual gift. For some reason, skepticism just comes naturally for me.
Anyway, I want to be one who examines the Scriptures every day to see if what people are telling me is true.
I did this today with a blog that I read. It doesn’t matter who the author is. I’ve read several posts by this person and generally appreciate a lot of what I read while other times respectfully disagreeing.
I caught myself reading right past some catchy phrases thinking, “this is good stuff.” I then paused and reminded myself that perhaps I should examine some of this.
Here are a few examples that I just don’t see lining up with scripture. His statements are in italics.
If you don’t say “oh crap” when God reveals what He wants for your life…then you probably didn’t hear from God!
Perhaps that is sometimes the case. However, I think God more often wants us to do what could be considered simple things like...love our neighbor, love our spouse, care for our kids, be kind to people, encourage someone. I don’t respond with “oh crap,” you want me to train my child in the way she should go!
David faced his fear and stepped out to face Goliath.
Does the Bible ever say that David even feared Goliath? We so often use this story in scripture to help us conquer our fears or giants. In elementary school it was the fear of bullies, in high school it was overcoming the ‘giant’ temptation of drinking beer and fitting in, and as adults it is conquering the giant of debt. We open up 1 Samuel and read about how “David overcame his fear of the giant and how you too can overcome your giant.” I just read all of 1 Sam 17 and don’t see any indication that David was ever afraid. He was an expert at the sling shot and saw a strategy to defeat the giant that others didn’t. He wasn’t afraid, he was a clever young man with a great plan who had a clear advantage. He previously killed a lion and a bear in the same way he was about to kill Goliath. We make an assumption that this story has to do with overcoming fear. I think it’s much more likely to assume that David had the clear advantage over the slow and uncoordinated giant. Maybe this story has more to do with Goliath's pride.
“I will do it one day” is a lie that we tell ourselves in order to justify our disobedience.
Or, it’s actually an act of obedience because God wants to prepare us for what He has called us to do. I wonder how many times David said, “I will do it one day” when referring to his destiny of becoming king? He waited 15 years. Paul spent 3 years preparing for what God had called him to (Gal. 1:18).
Just to make it clear, I am by no means attacking the author of the blog I'm referring to. I have written and have said several things publicly which I later examined and realized I was wrong. I am simply encouraging us to examine what we hear and what we read.
It seems to me like the whole premise behind his post is to communicate that God wants us to achieve greatness. He mentions that there are several things we need to overcome in order for us to “achieve everything God has for us.” Maybe it’s just semantics, but since when was the Christian faith ever about achieving anything? I thought the whole point of being a follower of Christ was to become nothing so God can be made great. We are here to bring Him glory, not vice versa.
Colossians 1:6-11
6Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him,
7having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude.
8See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.
9For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form,
10and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority;
11and in Him you were also circumcised with a circumcision made without hands, in the removal of the body of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ.
Please take time to examine this post and please feel free to disagree with anything I’ve said. I encourage you to truly love the Lord your God with all of your mind; however, God doesn’t just encourage it, He commands it.