I think we often get secretly jealous of those people who describe their summer as, “AMAZING!” or “best summer of my life!” As we force ourselves to rejoice with those who rejoice, our bitterness grows with each new detail about what made their summer so spectacular. Finally, after their one hour speel about backpacking through Europe, mission tripping everywhere from Zimbabwe to Bangkok, and receiving an audible voice from God about their specific purpose, they ask us about our summer. Regretfully, we have to respond by saying, “not bad,” “could have been better,” or “there’s always next summer.”
So, maybe we don’t have the resources to backpack Europe, or the support to go on 12 mission trips, or perhaps it’s not in God’s timing for us to know His specific will yet. We can still have an AMAZING summer. With that said, I introduce to you…
Ryan’s top 10 list of things to do this summer. After completing this list, you will be the “one hour speel” person!
10. Get on the Dave Ramsey planLet’s face it, you don’t have to go to Starbucks in the summer, but you do have to go in the fall. Save up those dollar bills for when it really counts. Also, think of all the people you can tell about how Dave Ramsey’s plan is helping you become a millionaire.
9. Movie MarathonWhether you want to watch the Lord of the Rings Extended Editions back to back to back, laugh and cry through your favorite chick flicks, or simply go Back to the Future, a movie marathon can be a fun time together.
8. Try something newFor some, this could mean joining some of the latest networking trends like twitter or facebook. For others it could be giving Ultimate Frisbee or Frisbee Golf a chance. Or, perhaps you can take up biking, climbing, and/or hiking (see number 4). No matter how busy your summer may be, take some time out for a new adventure.
7. Stay up all night You probably pulled a ton of all-nighters while in school, but how about staying up all night because you want to? Get a group of old friends together; watch your favorite movies (see number 9), sing along to some sweet acoustic worship, play Wii…the possibilities are endless.
6. Act like a childJesus said it best, “I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matt. 18:3 This summer, dance in the rain. Dye your hair with Kool-Aid. Have a pillow fight. Watch the clouds go by. Take a few naps. Sleep in until 3 p.m. and sit around in your pajamas, especially if you participate in number 7.
5. Start a Devotional or Bible reading planWhy waste all of our resolutions on New Year’s? Every January 1 I declare that I am going to start a devotional or a cool read the Bible in a year plan, but I never stick with it. Maybe it’s because I’m focusing too much on my resolution to get buff, which also never happens. Anyways, I encourage you to spend some extra time in the Word this summer. Head out to the bookstore and see if there is a new devotional that interests you. Get online and search for a good Bible reading plan. Who knows, God may speak something incredible to you through His Word.
4. ExerciseAgain, this is something I always tell myself I will start doing in the New Year. Seriously though, who wants to jog in cold gloomy weather? Now that the sun is out and the days are longer, crank up your i-pod, put on your running shoes, and treat your body like it’s the temple of the Holy Spirit. Also, when you exercise, it doesn’t make you feel as bad when you make that trip to Dairy Queen.
3. Read a BookSo, last summer you read, dissected, hermeneuticized, and doctrinized The Shack. What will be your book this summer? Take time, once again, to immerse yourself in a book. Head to the library or the bookstore to pick up something by your favorite author.
2. VolunteerI love mission trips! However, many of us may not have the resources to experience a week-to-two-week- long trip this summer. I suggest, taking several small mission trips to your city’s local mission or soup kitchen. If you are not headed to any special destination this summer, why not try to make it special by joining an outreach team at your church? Another rewarding opportunity is volunteering to serve at VBS. Come on, we all wish we had a cooler teacher when were in VBS. You can now be that teacher. Also, you may just get a glimpse of your pastor wearing shorts. Volunteer possibilities are endless.
1. Spend time with familyMy dad is a strong believer in the phrase, “family is your fortune.” Many of us would agree, but things get so busy it is a rare occasion to even eat a meal with our family. So, take some time to invest into your family. The returns on this investment will last a lifetime. Call your crazy uncle, go to the park with your niece or nephew, and have a picnic lunch with your mom or dad.
Well, there you go. If you can pull off 8-10 of these, I’d suggest that your summer was AMAZING; 5-7, not bad; 2-4, could have been better; less than 2, there’s always next summer. Regardless of what you do this summer, I hope it’s great!