
Friday, April 30, 2010

Matt Chandler - Living What He's Preaching

We're not innovative at the Village. I stand up and preach for 45 minutes to an hour...if anything we are regressive. There is a deep desire for clarity among young 20-somethings. They want some body to put parameters around the whole thing. - Matt Chandler

T4G 2010 -- Session 8 -- Matt Chandler from Together for the Gospel (T4G) on Vimeo.

Monday, April 26, 2010

High-Five Etiquette

Ever get stressed about a simple high-five? Yeah, me too. Check out this short video that promises to guide you through the grueling steps of high-five etiquette.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Exponential Webcast

Matt Chandler is one of my heroes in the faith. Here is a short video teaching of him and Mark Batterson at the Exponential Conference in Orlando, FL.

Watch live streaming video from theideacamp at

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Are Incentives Damaging the Church?

Incentives are not strategy, they are tactics. Defensive measures. – Carlos Ghosn

Incentive is defined as any factor that enables or motivates a particular course of action. Growing up in church, I saw this all time, and continue to see it now. When I was a kid it was bring $50 next week for missions and Pastor Jimmy will swallow a gold fish. As a teenager a chance to win $100 cash was my motivator to bring as many of my friends to youth group. I must admit, even as a youth pastor I gave away a X-Box 360 to the kid who brought the most visitors one night. Now, as a lay person in the church and an intense observer of everything the church does (not necessarily my church), I’ve noticed this incentive philosophy in church has even filtered into the message and presentation of the gospel. Things are often communicated…obey God, so you can be blessed; tithe, so you can pay your bills; pray, so you can get what you want; receive Christ into your life (which that phrase alone has some very dangerous implications, and I don’t mean ‘win the world for Jesus’ dangerous), so you can experience a life filled with joy and happiness. I understand that a lot of this is simple semantics, but those that are new to church and a faith in Christ may not understand that.

Where did this originate? Didn’t this begin in the garden when Satan offered Eve an incentive if she at the fruit, “your eyes will be opened and you will be like God.” There is something selfishly engraved in all of us that causes us to assume that if we do {you name it}, we should get something positive out of it. We have taken that notion or desire and have placed it center stage in the church. It seems that so many churches feel the need to present everything with an incentive attached to it. Even a simple request for volunteers goes something like, “Please consider volunteering in the nursery, once you make that commitment to serve our kids, I guarantee that you will be richly rewarded and blessed.” It is a pretty harmless statement, however, when declarations like that are consistent, it could become very unhealthy. Sure, we are blessed when we serve, but not always in a tangible way.

While we may feel that we do deserve a tangible earthly reward for doing something right, reality is that we don’t. If we did, Jesus would have lived in a castle and Mother Teressa would be a millionaire. My concern is that we often convince people that the means justifies the end, regardless of motives. Perhaps incentives have caused thousands, or even millions of dollars to be raised for missions. Tons of teenagers have probably heard the gospel because die hard youth groupers were motivated by cash, video games, and i-pods to bring their friends. Is that okay though? I mean the Bible says, All a man’s ways seem innocent to him, but motives are weighed by the Lord. – Proverbs 16:2 Is it okay to offer rewards if the end result is positive? Where do the incentives stop? I think that it would eventually where off and people would start wondering the true meaning and purpose behind what they are doing. Why do we give to missions? Why should I really bring friends to church? What is the true purpose behind me volunteering for something?

I’ve had a few conversations with people that I grew up with. They are no longer a part of a church and are self-proclaimed “away from God.” In one way or another, they have all explained to me that there was no true substance to what they believed and why they believed. A recent Facebook conversation with a friend led him to say, “We were always told what to do, but never any real reason why. At least no explanation that had any substance to it. It was always, do this to get people here, do that and you’ll be blessed, come here and win this. Seriously? That’s not how things in real life work. I was told to pray, read my Bible, and worship and God will bless me. Well, my sister got cancer, my dad left my mom, a good Christian girl broke my heart by cheating on me, and I got depressed. Eventually, I said I’m done with this.”

It’s pretty sad isn’t it? Somewhere down the line we’ve taught people that the gospel is...give your life to Jesus and you get what you want. However, the gospel is you give your life to Jesus and He’s enough no matter what. When did it become acceptable, outside of salvation and eternity in Heaven, to treat God as a means to an end? Who wouldn’t want to accept Jesus if they were convinced that their life would be filled with joy and happiness after they repeated a prayer? I don’t know, it just seems like a false motive to me. Shouldn’t people bring their friends to church because they see and understand the significance of being in the presence of God, hearing a message from the Bible, and interacting with other Christians? Shouldn’t kids give to missions because they realize that by doing so they are advancing the message of Jesus to people who are less fortunate and who may only hear about Jesus because of their sacrificial giving?

When it’s all said and done, I’m sure a lot of positive strategies are taking place in the church. Many are presenting the gospel, encouraging giving, and prompting invitation to their church in a healthy way. Even if they aren’t, I can always hold onto Philippians 1:18, But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Say What? No Way?

That was a straw [in my decision], but there were many straws on the camel's back at the time.

What was the biggest news story of last week?

Phil Mickelson winning the Masters?
The Volcano that erupted in Iceland?
Oklahoma City marks 15 years since bombing?
Kenyan run marathon in record time?
Colorado pitcher throws a no hitter?

Well, according to a large population of the Christian community...none of the above. You see, last week Christianity Today published their interview with the popular Christian recording artist, Jennifer Knapp. Knapp announced a hiatus in 2003 and has been out of the spotlight ever since. That is, until last week.

"That was a straw [in my decision], but there were many straws on the camel's back at the time." This was Knapp's response after CT stated "There were rumors that you left music because you were gay." Knapp quickly responded to the rumor by stating that she is currently, in fact, in a same-sex relationship. She then goes on explaining that this is something she has "struggled" with for a while. Even well before her hiatus in 2003.

Like most things these days, I found out about this story through Twitter. I went online to post some inspirational thought that I probably stole from someone else when all of a sudden I read..."Jennifer Knapp has been living in sin. I'm so disappointed that she's gay." I then postponed all tweets for the next 15 minutes as I read through the interview from the link that was provided (I'm a slow reader, give me a break). I later returned to my Twitter home page to find more tweets about how sad and disappointed everyone was about this 36 year old woman from Kansas. Here were some tweets from the hashtag #JenniferKnapp...

- I knew she was gay
- Told ya
- Saw it coming, I win $50
- So upset with Jennifer, I looked up to her
- I can't believe it
- No, No, No, not Jennifer

As you can see, there was a Schizophrenic reaction going on. I gotta be honest, I've struggled a bit with how to respond to this story. I don't know if I'm more disappointed with someone feeling vulnerable enough to share how they feel, or with the "Christian" people sharing how 'disappointed' they are because someone shared how they feel. For the record, I do believe homosexuality is a sin, but no more than gluttony, lying, cheating, stealing, judging, lusting, etc.

When did being gay become THE sin? Some will probably boycott her music now because she's committed this "horrible act." I'll probably listen to it more. That's not really saying much because I never really listened before. But I want to hear what she's singing about. I don't want to necessarily embrace her lifestyle, but I do want to embrace her as a person. I'm not sure how that play out exactly, but I don't think she deserves a scarlet letter.

Let's just remember...she is still adored, cherished, and loved by God.


Speaking in Hawaii from Ryan Moore on Vimeo.

The Lord's Prayer: Your Will Be Done

Perspectives: David and Goliath

I Am the Resurrection and the Life

Getting Obsessed With Jesus

Hi there, I'm Ryan and I'm the National Young Adult Ministry Coordinator for the AG. I moved to Springfield, MO in March of ’09 in an effort to assist my fellowship’s vision of “strategically reaching the next generation.”

I have ministered to young adults in both Florida and Oregon. I spent 3 years in Ocala, Florida serving full-time to youth and young adults before moving across the country in May of ‘06 to pastor young adults in Portland, Oregon.

I’m passionate about helping churches in their vision of reaching young adults for kingdom of God. I’m actually pretty excited and optimistic about the continued emphasis of young adult ministry throughout the country. I am married to Alyson and we have a 3 year old daughter named Alyza. Together we enjoy watching Dora, eating at Chick-fil-A, and re-enacting Disney movies.

I am available for ministry/church consulting, training, teaching, and speaking.

I really enjoy teaching on the following topics:

* Discovering God’s Will For Your Life
* The Purpose of Prayer
* Embracing Grace
* Becoming a Giant Killer
* Understanding Young Adult Culture
* Re-capturing the De-churched
* Creating a Young Adult Sensitive Church

2011 Schedule
January 21 - Central Bible College - Springfield, MO
February 3-5 - National Men's Ministries Conference - Branson, MO
February 26-27 - West Florida District Conference - Marianna, FL
April 30 - Young Adult Ministry Training - Kansas City, MO
June 12-14 - The Vous National Young Adult Conf - Miami Beach, FL
June 24-26 - S. TX Young Adult Re-Camp - Kerrville, TX
July 8-10 - Ohio District Young Adult Retreat - Columbus, OH
August 1-5 - General Council - Phoenix, AZ
October 22 - Calibrate Conference - Rapid City, SD

Speaking schedule for 2010:
February 27 - West Florida District Conveniton
March 12, 13 - Connections 10 Conference - Concord, NC
April 14 – James River Leadership College – Ozark, MO
May 19, 21 – College Leaders Summit – CBC Springfield, MO
June 23 - Central Assembly - Springfield, MO
June 29 – July 2 – FILAM Convention – Las Vegas, NV
July 30-31 – Liquid Young Adult Training Conference – Pittsfield, IL
August 11-13 – H.E.A.R.T. Young Adult Getaway Retreat – Oahu, HI
August 15– Bethel Chapel – Waipahu, HI
August 15 - First Assembly - Red Hill, HI
September 25 - Thirst Conference - Scotch Plains, NJ
October 16 - NOMO Young Adults Leadership Conference - Columbia, MO
October 23 – Calibrate Conference – Sioux Falls, SD
November 12-13 - Moved 2010 Young Adult Leadership Conference - Lakeland, FL

Phone: W: 417-862-2781
C: 417-350-4914

Friday, April 16, 2010

My Family

The Moore Family from Sarah Carter on Vimeo.

As my dad would say, "family is your fortune." I love my family. They are the best.

Alyza was born June 21st, 2006 in Portland, OR. She's basically the cutest little girl in the world. She's super adorable, sweet, sensitive, and funny. Her jokes are even better than Jimmy Fallon's. She enjoys watching Dora, eating chicken nuggets, coloring princesses, playing dress up, and re-enacting Disney movies.

Alyson is the life of the family. Her personality is contagious as people are drawn to her spunky attitude. I'm so glad God brought her to me, or my life would be extremely boring. Her outside beauty is obvious, but her inner beauty shines even brighter. She loves music and the show 'Glee.' She also loves pop culture, travel, people, and history.

Together we enjoy watching movies, eating at Chick-fil-A, playing monsters and heros, and traveling. We currently live in Nixa, MO (just south of Springfield, MO) and are loving life.

Check out our Disney Vacation Video

Disney Vaca from Ryan Moore on Vimeo.